RCMC Registration
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RCMC Registration
What is RCMC Registration?
RCMC stand for Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate is required to be obtained by such firm or company which applies for Import or Export license and besides this avail concession or benefit under Foreign Trade Policy but this certificate is not required to be obtained by those for which it is specifically exempted under the Export Import Policy. RCMC Registration is issued by the competent government authority.
Competent Government Authorities for RCMC
The following organizations are competent authority for registration of RCMC registration:
1. RCMC registration can be obtained by an exporter from Federation of Indian Exporters Organizations (FIEO) or a relevant Export Promotion Council (EPC)
2. RCMC registration can be obtained by a status holder from Federation of Indian Exporters Organizations (FIEO).
1. RCMC registration may be obtained If export product is not covered by any EPC.
2. RCMC registration shall also be obtained by exporters of forest produce and value added products from Shellac and Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL).
1. It is required for Software exporters to register themselves with Electronic and Computer Software EPC (ESC).
2. It is required for exporters of 14 listed services to register with Services EPC whereas other service exporters are required to register with FIEO.
Filling procedure of RCMC Application
To become a member of EPC, an exporter has to file an application in the prescribed manner given by concern department. Thereafter, RCMC is granted of the concerned EPC after admitting to the membership application. To get registered as manufacturer/exporter, an exporter required to give evidence to that effect. To become associate members of EPC, a prospective or potential exporter may also file an application. An applicant can move application of registration of RCMC under specified format along with the necessary document. The documents details are given below;
1. Application form
2.Certified copy of the Import Export Code (IEC)
3.Copy of bank certificate, for verifying applicant’s financial status
4.Whether, registration is sought as Manufacturer Exporter, SSI, IEM certificate?
5.Declaration in relation to the effect on export and import in such preceding financial year.
6.In case of Companies, copy of MOA, AOA & COI
7.Partnership deed in case of partnership firms
Validity of RCMC Registration
The validity of RCMC registration shall be as follows:
1. From 1st April of the licensing year (Year of Issue) to the next 5 years ending 31st March of the licensing year, unless specified.
2. What are the Rules Regarding Intimation in Case of Change in Constitution?
Provisions Regarding De-Registration
Registering authority has powers to de-register RCMC registration on violation of rules regulation. However, a show cause notice shall be served to RCMC holder, and reasonable opportunity shall be given to make representation against the proposed de-registration.
How to make an appeal against De-Registration?
Within a period of 45 days appeal can be made against de-registration by an aggrieved party to DGFT or other designated agency and their decision shall be considered final.